搜索 Schie

  • 海明威是个传奇人物。他不仅仅是一个作家,他本身就是一个艺术品:他是超越那个时代的摇滚明星。一生中的大部分时间都花在了一个永无止境的假期上,他一丝不苟地把这假期记录在案,这也是他不断获得灵感的源泉。他的名字是古巴和巴黎、世界大战和内战、冒险的非洲狩猎之旅、迷人的女人的代名词,而这里面的人反过来也被他的魅力迷住了。他的格言…
  • 四位兼具口才与情商的熟龄女性,带着对世界的好奇心,用独特的视角、有趣的灵魂,在一个名为“真自在”的度假屋中,每期与一位访客畅聊“姐姐也没有答案”的话题。
  • 讲述了一对夫妻由一见钟情,到由于婚姻琐事争吵、直到形同陌路即将离婚的故事。这是Luis和Eva初见后的第11年。他们深爱、结婚、生子,而现在,在去往法院的路上,这是他们离婚前最后一次面对面。去法院的路途显得很长,他们回忆起造成这一心碎结局的种种过往…那年在里斯本,他们初遇,一见钟情。回到德国的Eva再难忘记Luis,于是她与男友分手,…
  • A mysterious application called 'Wishlist' comes into the possession of a group of teenagers. It fulfills every personal desire if an special task is performed - now they have to deal with this responsibility. In contrary to the expectations no heavenly state occurs. They might have to ask themselves: How much can the …
  • A mysterious application called 'Wishlist' comes into the possession of a group of teenagers. It fulfills every personal desire if a special task is performed - now they have to deal with this responsibility. In contrary to the expectations no heavenly state occurs. They might have to ask themselves: How much can the p…