搜索 Dustin

  • 杰拉德扮演猎头专员Dane Jensen,他为家庭拼搏,经常忙到不可开交,即使过节也没法陪孩子。终于等到上司Ed Blackridge宣布退休,Dane有望击败头号竞争对手接管公司。然而就在这时,他的十岁儿子却被诊断出患上血癌。突如其来的坏消息乱了阵脚。要追逐梦想,还是陪伴家人?他不得不做出选择。
  • 雷·帕里什,一个可爱的小镇女孩,现在是著名的女演员,采取越来越极端的手段来保护自己的名声。提名里欧奖等7个奖项,为了来之不易的名利,一个女人要多狠有多狠。
  • 雪橇HD
    Sledge hits you from the beginning with humor and originality. Opening with Assly's True American Horror television program, the action kicks off instantly with skull crushing deaths from the killer, Adam Lynch. Adam believes he is in a movie and video game that he has created in his head.