搜索 Tao

  • 高卢村庄的大祭祀盖塔菲克斯想为自己找一个继任者,并把高卢村庄抵抗外敌入侵的关键法宝神奇药水教给继任者。盖塔菲克斯带着村庄最英勇的战士阿斯特克斯和奥贝里克斯寻访遍历整个高卢寻找合适的继承人。而与此同时,师出同门的硫磺克斯在消失多年后和入侵者狼狈为奸,暗中掀起一场争夺神奇药水的战争。
  • 在我们身边有一批超能力者,他们的后代在18岁就会被激发能力,王小明就是其中的一位。18岁生日过后他获得了依靠吃饭触发可以看到未来的电视节目,一次偶然的触发,他发现了9天以后班里的女同学遭人谋杀,一次不同寻常的救援行动就此展开……
  • Anyamanee傲慢却内心脆弱,以自我为中心。出生在重男轻女的家庭,使她长期压抑。有天遇见了为人正直善良、无私豁达的Guerkhun。Guerkhun准备给予Anyamanee温暖的爱。因为家庭成员包括兄弟Chanuch的去世,两个人的情路并不顺利。同时由于嫂子Pimrata,Guerkhun成为了嫌疑人。Pimrata是一个温柔甜美的女人,在她的生活中拥有完美的东西。她为离…
  • Pete, a handsome businessman was ordered by his grandmother to go look for her missing heir. Due to an inevitable circumstance, Pete was forced to hire a kid to pretend to be his grandmother’s lost grandson. Chaos over this scheme then began…
  • This series is above the expectations they had about it. It is very fast (beyond the tempo of each episode) conflicts are able to develop and resolve in each episode. Which for one as a spectator is very good since the rhythm is never lost.  On the other hand, humor management is constant and gives it its point of grac…
  • Everyone yearns for a good life. So does Nueng. She always dreams of living in her ideal world. Nueng, who is as beautiful as a swan, comes from a wealthy family. She's married and her husband loves her very much. However, things are not as perfect as it seems. Nueng is not satisfied with her current life. With her bea…
  • 剧情大纲:  蜜雪儿·德拉罗尼(Kwan饰)在修道院长大,在她的父母死于飞机失事以后没有亲戚愿意领养她,因为她的母亲是中东人,这令他们感到反感。蜜雪儿感激修道院收容了像她这样一名孤儿并且抚养她长大,所以就决定完成学业以后也成为一名修女。但是蜜雪儿的朋友卡查菲亚(Aimee饰),想要开一所学校,说服她来帮忙。苏佩罗修女就给了她一…