  • 法庭浪子第一季

  • 主演:Richard Roxburgh Matt Day Russell Dykstra Hugo Johnstone-Burt
  • 状态:完结
  • 导演:杰西卡·霍布斯
  • 简介:Criminal lawyer Cleaver Greene defends the indefensible - from bigamists to cannibals and everything in between. He is champion of the lost cause, both in the court room and in the bedroom.


  • 法庭浪子第一季是2010在澳大利亚上映/播出的一部海外剧电视剧,由Richard,Roxburgh,Matt,Day,Russell,Dykstra,Hugo,Johnstone-Burt主演;杰西卡·霍布斯执导。本站电视剧频道于2022年07月15日收录高清完整版,并提供免费在线观看服务。

    法庭浪子第一季剧情:Criminal lawyer Cleaver Greene defends the indefensible - from bigamists to cannibals and everything in between. He is champion of the lost cause, both in the court room and in the bedroom.

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